Pure Chemistry Exam will start in two days time with Written Exam (Paper 2) on 28 Oct 2013 and then finish up on 12th Nov 2013 with MCQ Exam (Paper 1).
For Written Paper (Paper 2):
- Memorise all the key chemical definition the night before
- Memorise all the key tables of information the night before i.e. Solubility of Common Salts, Test for Cations & Anions, Test for Gases, Metals Reactivity Series, 7 fractions of crude oil in fractional distillation column, etc
- Reach early at the examination hall with stationery and scientific calculator
- Read your questions carefully and understand what they are looking out for, paying attention to the marks allocation i.e. 1 mark usually means 1 key word/phrase is required
- If you are not able to answer a particular question, circle the question number and move on to the next question
- Come back to work on the circled question(s)
- Check all your answers before submission of examination script
For MCQ Paper (Paper 1):
- Strategy is to manage your time well and Score FULL MARKS for it!
- We want 40/40 and it is definitely possible if you are committed about it.
- Stay focus & keep revising! It’s about how you end, do you end strong?
Share with you a video prepared by Ai Ling (her blog is www.singaporeolevelmaths.com), my colleague from Winners Education Centre.