Hi students,
As mentioned in my previous blogpost, Organic Chemistry is of extreme importance in GCE ‘O’ Levels Chemistry Exams, due to 2 main reasons (based on my analysis of Past Years Exam Papers):
- High weightage about 18 – 25 marks (15 – 21%) of your written O Level Chemistry Exams
- In Year 2008 O Level Chem Exams, the last Question (Either/Or Question worth 10marks) in Paper 2 are both Organic Chemistry. This means there is no way you can escape Organic Chemistry
Need MORE reasons (that i observed last 3-4 years) why you need to MASTER Organic Chemistry????
1) Organic Chemistry is an independent component that you can master on its own, regardless of how you have fared for other previous chapters
2) Organic Chemistry is in fact VERY EASY – all the 5 chapters/topics in Organic Chemistry are inter-linked and once you master 1 topic, you will be able to master the other topics, with ease once you have the correct methodology
3) Contrary to many students believed that Organic Chemistry needs lots of memorisation, Organic Chemistry DOES NOT need lots of memory work. You just need to associate it to our everyday life and be clear of how each topics are interlinked with each other – and you will score well for it!
4) Majority ALL schools in Singapore (Both GCE O Levels and IGCSE/IB) rushed through Organic Chemistry chapters in June / July in order to finish the syllabus and welcome the School Prelims Exams. Many of the teachers only glanced through it with their students (“surface learning”) in order to finish the syllabus. There are even 1-2 schools (my students are in these schools) that actually asked them to READ ON THEIR OWN!!!! Gosh! You can’t learn Organic Chemistry just by reading textbook? cos concepts are required.
If you are of these students that aim to do well for your GCE ‘O’ Levels Chemistry Exams, i urge you to master Organic Chemistry. Spend time mastering it, please.
If you are facing the following problems in mastering Organic Chemistry, do check out the Early Bird Registration (by 15th July 2009) for our annual O Levels Organic Chemistry Mastery Workshop 2009
I will see you at the workshop! =)
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