We learned about Metals & Its Reactivity Series.
Sodium (Na) is considered a very reactive metal and it will reacts vigorously when added into water.
Video below shows the “mini explosions” that occurs when a small piece of sodium is added into a large basin of water.
Alternatively, you can check out this specific link to this youtube video.
PS: What is product of this reaction? Leave me a comment below this post.
the gas form is hydrogin gas(H2)
i like videos
hey Terence,
Well Done. Spot On!
Are you doing Pure Chemistry or Combine Science (Chem)?
I will be conducting a public Chemistry Workshop on Redox & Electrolysis for Pure Chemistry students. Join me if you are not able to score well in Redox and/or Electrolysis yet. Btw, you need to know Electrolysis well, cos it comes out almost every year.
All The Best To Your Academic Success in Chemistry,
Master Trainer
Na + H2O -> NaOH + H2 ?
Am i right this time? hehe.
Hey Terence,
Good try but your suggested answer is not the correct one.
Come on..think about it and try again…
Metal + Water –>> A__________ + H2
PS: Try it again!
Na + H2O -> NaO + H2 ?
(I’m unsure. =/)