Hi Parents and Students readers,
This might be an interesting blogpost where both of parties can understand the reason for choosing a certain location and time for studying. Please do note that these are suggestions that we believed works best for students in preparing for their revision, but it differs in performance in casde-by-case basis.
In Accelerated Learning Technologies, one of the most crucial part is on Focus Learning. You will need to devote time and energy to concentrate and focus on your studying.
But first of all, just what is Focus Learning? It is a learning process where you use your time well and study intensely during this period. Intense studying means setting aside specific well-defined time slots for study and committing 100% of our attention to studying during those periods.
Many students, however, convince themselves mentally that they are effectively utilizing their time to do intensive studying but half the time, they are doing something else, for example, socializing in libraries and cafes, watching television at home, eating, listening to music, chatting on online chat-rooms and forums, all while their eyes are still looking at the textbook and notes.
All these activities are fine and good, but it tends to dilute efforts to focus on their studies especially during the examination periods. When results are releases and below their expectations, students tend to start asking why all the time spent on “studying” did not pay off.
This is simply because they are not focused enough during studying. To them, they equate the number of hours where their textbooks are opened to be equal to the amount of studying they have gone through. But in fact, we know this is not true. We can have the textbook opened for 24hrs a day and our eyes on it, but we might not learn anything constructive that day.
In our workshops and bootcamps, students are able to learn alot more effectively and efficiently in a much shorter time, because the learning is intense and focused. For us, we strongly believed in giving our best focus for a well-defined period of time for studying, and once we have achieved that during the stipulated time, we will celebrate that little success. It will then be time to relax and enjoy something besides studying. We will then proceed to have buffet lunch, or listen to some funny video clips.
For studying at home to prepare for your examinations, we would encourage you to practice what we are doing at the bootcamps and workshops. After an intensive studying period where you focus and concentrate, you would need to celebrate the little success (of learning something effectively). That is the time where u give yourself a well-defined period to eat your heart out, to chat online with friends, to watch a drama series on television or have a hearty chat with friends at cafe. This will certainly give you more reason to come back to block out another time period to study the next subject or topic.
There are 3 more important strategies on Focus Learning while you are doing revision.
Strategy #1: Venue
The most important thing about focus learning is choosing a venue. The best place to study would be:
1. Well-Lit
2. Quiet and distraction-free
3. Spacious where you have enough room for books, stationary and writing materials
4. Conducive, but not too comfortable (such as studying on bed is a no-no)
I would suggest the library as a good place to study. But make sure if you are with your friends, they must also understand the importance of studying intensely under focus learning, and not socialising while studying.
The desk at one’s well-lit room is another good place to study intensely, since you can control the environment. However, special attention has to be taken to prevent any sort of temptations, such as stereo, computer and the bed. Other drawbacks include distractions from phone calls. What I would do is to place lots of books on my bed, so that it feel so troublesome for me to clear the bed for resting. I would also unplug the wire-connections of stereo and computers from power supply, so that it is more troublesome for you to switch them on. For phone calls, you can ask your family members to ask your friends to call back after certain times.
Strategy #2: When
Focus learning should be scheduled for the part of the day when you are naturally most alert or when you have least distractions.
In morning immediately after your breakfast is always one of the most alert period of the day. So this may be the best time for you to study intensely.
Some students like to study at night where they find it more conducive to do so. This may also be a good time to study intensely, because often the last thing you think about will stay with you during the night. So studying right before bed time can be a way to promote unconscious ‘study’ while you sleep.
Strategy #3: With Whom
Studying alone intensely is one of the best way to focus your learning, as you would have no distractions from others.
For those that prefer to have a friend or classmate to study together, it has its own merits also. Having a friend nearby, even if they are studying a different subject provides excellent moral support. I liken it to long-distance running – do you notice that you will not have the intention to stop running no matter how tired mentally and physically you are in a marathon, as compared to running alone. The runners beside you will somehow give you that indirect motivations and inspire you to keep going.
The best reason for studying together with classmates, is to build on the knowledge base you have already acquired from studying individually. With everyone sharing their knowledge gained from previously devoted study time, we can maximize the benefits of collaborative learning. In this way, group study can be a great way to improve our understanding of materials. Those who have more difficulties in acquiring the knowledge stands to gain by having the material re-explained to them, and for those who know more, will gain a better understanding of the subject as a result of coaching their peers. Coaching others always help the coach to learn something new or better.
PS: Sean has been chemistry coach for more than 10 years in Singapore. To know about about him, click here.
PPS: The above article written by Sean has been contributed to Ezine Articles to share with readers around the world. Sean has achieved Expert Article Author Status after numerous article contribution to Ezine Articles.
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