"Who Else Wants Your Child To Score an
EXTRA 40 Marks to get an 'A' grade for their Chemistry, enroll into their First Choice JC or Poly Course competitively?"
Many students who ace Chemistry know the importance of Paper 1 MCQ, in fact many of them edge out their friends by doing exceptionally well for MCQ to achieve their A in O levels. Chemistry MCQ has a weighting of 30%! Both students score the same marks for Paper 2 Structured and Paper 3 Practical but Student B achieves 20 out of 40 marks for Paper 1 MCQ and gets an B4 overall (i.e 64.0% only) while Student A achieves 37 out of 40 marks for MCQ and gets an A1 overall (i.e 76.8%) ! (See the table below) Scoring 100% in Chemistry MCQ is definitely possible, in fact easy when your child knows 'The How'!
HOWEVER... With 16 days between Chemistry Paper 2 Structured and Paper 1 MCQ, do you have any idea what your child will be doing? Will he be revising for Chemistry Paper 1 MCQ? Let us share with you the different students we have met over the years...
![]() How will the workshop benefit your child? No matter which type of student your child is, as long as they are committed to score 100% for Paper 1 MCQ, they will learn:
Who are you and why should I listen to you? Sean Chua is the Master Trainer and Founder of SimpleChemConcepts.com - No. 1 website on Google.com, Yahoo.com for 'O level Chemistry Tips'. Over the last 18 years, he has coached thousands and thousands of students from over 180+ schools to achieve the marks they truly deserve. He has also rekindled their interest in Chemistry so much so that many of them are furthering their study in chemistry-related courses and in fact, a handful of them will be joining the booming chemical industry. He is also the invited author for
"This programme tells me the topics that I am weak in and it emphasises the importance of getting full marks for Chemistry MCQ. I have learnt to manage my time wisely, which is crucial in doing Paper 1 as I usually could not finish the paper. I learnt more about the strategies of doing MCQ and revise on key concepts. I hope I am able to get full marks and I will recommend this to anyone taking O-Levels."
Cher Yi Jia, Nan Hua High School "This workshop has benefitted me by clearing misconceptions and also by pointing out key words in the question that will help me solve the question. Even though it is whole day, it feels that times flies. I am still not tired and it was also fun. I would recommend to my juniors and cousins." "It has helped me understand my misconceptions about my weaker topics. Mr Chua is entertaining and a really great Chemistry tutor. The programme enhances my learning experience in Chemistry. I have gained more confidence in attempting Chemistry questions." "It has benefitted my by giving me the chance to practise. It has also helped me to revise and remind me what I have forgotten." "It has been really helpful in revising all the topics and I now know the topics I need to work on. I feel more confident and I know how to approach the questions." "Very beneficial and very helpful!!! We did a lot of different questions spanning all sorts of topics so it was really helpful in revision!" "It highlighted the topics I need to revise and it trained my time management. I feel more confident in tackling the paper." "This programme has helped me to revise my concepts once more before the exam and allows me to attempt a variety of questions in different categories to allow me to know which topics I am weaker in. It is interactive and lively. I understood and clarified some doubts that I have previously." "It has managed to reinforce some concepts that I was not so sure of. The explanations provided was done in a simple way that I could understand. I find myself enjoying Chemistry more and I feel good when I can understand. I will recommend it to my friends." "It has helped me clear my concepts regarding the questions I was unsure of. It provides detailed analysis of tougher questions and has helped me to revise the important chapters for Chemistry. I would recommend this workshop to my juniors in MGS." "It is good that Sean has organized this workshop to focus on the MCQ of Chemistry paper as it is often a paper that teachers and students alike will neglect. Through the workshop, he covers tricky and common mistake MCQ questions, which is very helpful. His cheerful and lively teaching approach learns to keep everyone awake and in focus. Thanks Sean for everything! Definitely recommended to other students in future." "This MCQ workshop has been the most effective and excellent workshop I have attended so far. Not only do we refresh our awareness for every Chemistry chapter, we also learn how to manage our time and speed to effectively score our best in our MCQ paper. Complex theories and questions have been explained plainly yet clearly that I can understand immediately. I sincerely believe I am better prepared for the Chemistry MCQ paper after the workshop and confident of doing well. Thanks for everything! I would surely recommend this programme to everyone who does the O-Levels" "Daniel had A1 for his O level Chemistry and A2 for Physics. This was a surprise as he has always been better at Physics. I attribute it to the Chemistry MCQ workshop you conducted just before his exam. Thanks." Amirah, CHIJ Secondary School Nicole Ong, TKGS Jerome Choo, Yishun Town Secondary School Chew Zhi Fei, Riverside Secondary School Natasha Yeo, St Margaret's Secondary Sch Deborah Chen, PLMGS Loh Jing Jie, Pei Hwa Secondary Sch Ong Sze Teng, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls' Sch ![]() Nadea Merchant, TKGS ![]() Doreen Gan, Commonwealth Secondary
If your child is serious to Score 100% in their Chemistry MCQ paper, they need to know these:
I'm going to reveal to your child the SECRETS they need to know and master to Score 100% in MCQ during the workshop, regardless of how they might fare in the Paper 2.
(Registration of workshop will close early without prior notification) I look forward in seeing your child at the workshop! PS: This workshop is not a pure "Drilling MCQs" programme. It involves explanations in a step by step manner, highlighting the important concepts for students to understand and hidden traps for them to uncover. Yes, part of the workshop is designed for participants to complete sets of MCQ in a timed environment so that they experience for themselves the pace they must have on the actual day. Organized by: |