While i am writing this blog-post now, i have to remind the Singapore students that O Level Examination very very near. And the exam will kick-start with Chemistry Paper 2 in 18 days time.
If you have been shaking your legs, playing soccer everyday, playing online games for 3-4 per day, it might be time for you to take notice. You only have 2 weeks to prepare yourself.
I have been coaching several students under the FINAL LEAP PROGRAMME and i can see that many students are feeling the stress now. They are studying very hard (and smart of course) to prepare themselves for the “academic war” in 2 weeks time. I congratulate their commitment cos there is a saying that: “80% of the Success is Just About Showing Up!”. With these, the other 20% must be Taking The Right Actions.
In Singapore, O Level Examination is known to be the 2nd?major qualifying exams in their life – that will determine their career choices and flexibility to study what they desire. [the 1st qualifying exams is when they are 12 years old where they take their PSLE exams].
However, from my facebook account, i realised that O Level students in Singapore are still shaking their legs, shopping every other days, playing online games 3-4 hrs per day – all these indulgence even when they have not even passed their Chemistry and other exams before. Time to WAKE?UP – if you are one of the students reading this blog.
PS: Our new book “UP YOUR CHEMISTRY GRADES NOW!” will be having a pre-launch in the ebook version in the next few days. Hope by doing so, we are in time to help these graduating students one final time. It will be split into 5 sections – each emphasising important things you need to know to score in Chemistry Exams.
PPS: Book is suitable for Sec 3, 4 and 5 (under GCE O Level Exam system) or Grade 9 and 10 (under GCSE Exam system)
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