Mole Calculations, or commonly known as “The MOLE” or “Mole Concepts” is regarded many of the GCE O Level Chemistry Students (as well as ICGSE and IB / IP Chemistry students) to be one of the most challenging and difficult chapter / topic.
Let’s check out a common O Level Chemistry-type question on Mole Calculations as well as the video solution on the thought process of solving it.
Question: Based on the topic “Mole Calculations”
12dm3 of polluted air is passed through limewater so that all the carbon dioxide is precipitated as calcium carbonate. The mass of calcium carbonate formed is 0.05g. What is the percentage by volume, of carbon dioxide in the air sample?
Now, before you look at the solution via the video below, i would strongly suggest that you attempt the question first to see if you have the correct answer.
And NOW, when you have the answer worked out, check if your solution is the same as mine.
Youtube URL:
PS: Similar type of questions will be discussed in the upcoming “June Intensive Revision Programme” in Singapore. Of course, i will cover 100% of the essential concepts on this topic. Check it out if you need help in this topic!
PPS: I would love to hear from you on this video question & solution on Mole Calculation. Drop me a comment at “Leave A Reply” directly below this blogpost.
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