In the previous blog post, we have discussed on the physical properties of pure metals as well as the four main reasons why we use metals in the form of alloys.
Today, we shall take a look at The Reactivity Series of Metals.
Metals are listed in the Reactivity Series from the most reactive to the least reactive.
This is useful because it allows you to predict how a particular metal will undergo a certain chemical reaction. For example, the Reactivity Series will show you immediately why coins made of zinc metal look dull after some time while silver and gold coins remain bright and shiny for long period of time. This is simply due to the fact that zinc is more reactive than gold and thus it will react faster with air.
In Singapore, whether you are taking the GCE O-Level Pure Chemistry syllabus or any of the IP Chemistry syllabus, you will need to remember the sequence of metals in the Reactivity Series.
As such, we use mnemonics (super memory techniques) to help our Sec 3 and 4 O-Level Pure Chemistry and IP Chemistry Tuition Class students to recall the list of metals. This is really useful. In fact, you can come out with your own memorising method if you want. Else, just use the one that is presented here. You can download your copy of the Reactivity Series of Metals.
The Reactivity Series of Metals
Metal | Symbol | Mnemonic |
Potassium | K | Please |
Sodium | Na | Stop |
Calcium | Ca | Calling |
Magnesium | Mg | Me |
Aluminium * | Al | A |
Zinc | Zn | Zebra |
Iron | Fe | Instead |
Tin | Sn | Tell |
Lead | Pb | Laura |
(Hydrogen) | H | How |
Copper | Cu | Copper |
Silver | Ag | Strengthens |
Gold | Au | Gold |
* Aluminium tends to oxidise readily in air to form aluminium oxide, Al2O3(s). As such, aluminium is not very reactive in our everyday life because it is covered (and thus protected) by the layer of Al2O3(s). Note that the layer of Al2O3(s) has been removed before experiments were conducted by scientists to determine the position of aluminium in the Reactivity Series of Metals.
Special Note:
The Reactivity Series is actually determined by scientists through the reactions of a list of common metals with water, steam and dilute hydrochloric acid. We will discuss this in more detail in the next blog post. Do look out for it!
YouTube Video Tutorial on The Reactivity Series of Metals
You can watch the YouTube Video below to learn how to memorise the list of metals in the Reactivity Series.
Click on the following link for the video on O-Level Chemistry . IP Chemistry: The Reactivity Series of metals
Length of Video: 8.04 minutes
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PPS: Do check out the Comments Section below to check out mnemonics shared by other Chemistry Teachers/Tutors/Students. Feel free to contribute your version too.