I was approached by?a?parent as well as a?teacher on?the recommendation of?any interesting Chemistry books that can intrigue?the liking of Chemistry for their child/students respectively.?After recalling some?of?the books that?i have read before that are interesting, i would like to recommend the 1st?Chemistry book?titled: “Chemistry for Dummies” which touches on the fundamentals of chemistry in everyday life.
We?re all natural born chemists. Every time we cook, clean, take a shower, drive a car, use a solvent, such as fingernail polish remover, or perform any of the countless everyday activities that involve complex chemical reactions we?re doing chemistry. You might even say that we?re all participating in a grand chemistry experiment that started with the first human who mixed pigments to do a cave painting. Why do so many of us desperately resist learning chemistry when we?re young? Maybe it has something to do with the way it?s taught in school.
Now there?s a fun, easy way to learn basic chemistry. Whether you?re studying chemistry in school and you?re looking for a little help making sense of what?s being taught in class, or you?re just into learning new things for their own sake, Chemistry For Dummies is a book that i have read and finds it suitable for those that just want to have more interest in basic Chemisty. This book gets you rolling with all the basics of matter and energy, atoms and molecules, acids and bases, and much more.
Highly recommended for Parents, Students and yes – Teachers and Tutors that want to make their classes more interesting.
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