In SPA on Qualitative Analysis, the Aim in the experiment is to assess on your ability to:
–> Make observations and readings and record them in a suitable format.
With this in mind, most of the time, they will give you all kinds of unknown samples and ask you to carry out a series of tests and note down your observations. In the end, you will be prompted with more questions and eventually they will ask you to identify the unknown sample.
Question might go like this:
Description: “Sample M is a mixture of two salts, X and Y. Salt X is soluble in water. Salt Y is insoluble in water but dissolves in nitric acid.:
Procedure: “You are to separate the Sample M into X and Y. You are then to investigate the properties of X and Y by carrying out the tests below, recording your observations in a suitable format.
1 Place 3 spatulaful of Sample M in a test tube. Record the colour of Sample M. Half-fill the test tube with water and stir the tube with a glass rod for two minutes.
2 Pour the contents of the test tube into , etc………”
In your answers, the best is to “Records observations in a clear and suitable format with complete headings/statements.”
In this way, your teachers will not be able to take away marks/points from you. Remember that Statements you write must be Complete & Observations must be recorded in a clear format with headings/statements.
In Qualitative Analysis, observations should be indicated in a clear and acceptable manner:
i.e. Precipitates (acceptable) Vs. Chalky (not acceptable these days)
i.e. Effervescence is Preferred over Bubbles Seen, etc.
Hope the above Tips & Strategies on SPA is useful to you.
Hmm.. maybe i should publish a SPA-based Practical Workbook to accompany my upcoming Secret Notebook of Mole Concepts & other mini eBooks series on Chemistry?!? Let me know your thoughts. I love to hear from you. =)
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