After communicating with several students, i realised that many come to this Chemistry blog to look for more O Level Chemistry Questions and Solutions/Answers. In fact, you can find them at “Chemistry Notes & Tips” under CATEGORIES on the right hand side column of this blog. Seems like many students are not sure how to find the topics of their interest.
We have decided to improve on the interface of this Chemistry blog in following weeks to make it easier for Chemistry students to maximise their learning. Stay Tuned for it!
Meanwhile, if you are looking for specific O Level Chemistry Topics (or other basic Chemistry syllabus), check the following links for wealth of information and tips:
- Experimental Techniques
- Purification & Separation
- Kinetic Particle Theory
- Elements, Compounds & Mixtures
- Atomic Structure
- Chemical Bonding
- Balancing Chemical Equations
- Acids & Bases
- Preparation of Salts
- Qualitative Analysis (QA)
- Mole Calculations
- Periodic Table & Group Trends
- Rate of Reaction
- Energy Changes
- Redox Reaction
- Electrolysis
- Metals & Reactivity Series
- Organic Chemistry
- Macromolecules
- Air & Atmosphere
- Ammonia
- SPA / Chemistry Practical Tips
If you are looking for other topics that is not listed above, do a search on the top right hand corner (i.e. search box) of this blog.
Enjoy reading this blog and improve your Chemistry knowledge and grades! 🙂
PS: Feel free to drop me a comment OR forward this blog to your friend