With the GCE O Level Examinations in less than 3 months time, many of you will be asking this question:
“How to Revise Effectively for GCE O Levels Chemistry Examinations?”
(Image by crazybobbles)
You might have heard the following so-called “Revision Techniques” or “Revision Tips” before:
- Manage your time – develop a regular work schedule
- Make a timetable! – plan your work well in advance
- Your best time – revise at a time which suits you
- Study in groups – encourage and motivate each other
- Find a conducive study place – avoid distractions
- Use prompt cards – revision notes in your pocket!
- Practice more exam papers & assessment books – favourite these days in Singapore Schools
Well, all of the above are good “tips” for revision but there is one more that is neglected by students / school teachers / tutors / parents these days!
The BEST WAY to Revise Effectively is to:
“Review & Learn from Your Mistakes”
I am speaking with experience as i have several classes of Sec 3s and 4s and from the quick survey i have done with the students, close to 85% of them said they do not review their mistakes made.
So often, students are so eager to move on to the next..the next..and the next topic?& new content that they neglect the fundamental principles of learning from their mistakes.
When homework assignments, test and examination papers are return to the students, many simply look at their marks, cheer over their good grades or whine over their poor grades, and then chuck their papers aside for dust-collection in the file.
When teachers (some) actually go through the corrections with the class, many students also simply use their green-ink pen and write the correct “standard” answers from the mouth of their teachers – word-by-word! And then, they simply chuck them aside.
How many of you actually look at your mistakes, find out where you had gone wrong (i.e. is it careless mistakes, or you have some misconceptions, etc) and then work towards correcting them, so that if a similar question comes out again in future, you will avoid the same error and get it right!?
To summarise:
“The BEST revision strategy is to learn from your errors and mistakes, and make sure you don’t repeat them again!”
I hope you find this post useful and motivating! I would love to hear your comments on it.
PS: Feel free to leave down your comments below.