There have been several students writing in and asking for more exam-based practice questions.
In fact, all the exam-based questions can be found in the archives of this chemistry blogsite.
There are 2 ways you can find them:
A) By looking up the “Categories” section on the right hand side bar.
You can find:
- Exam-based Questions and Suggested Answers under “Chemistry Qns and Ans“
- Life-examples of Chemistry in everyday lifes under “Chemistry Phenomenons“
- Good Chemistry Learning Tools under “Good Learning Tools“
- Motivation & Inspiration Stuff under “Inspiration“
- Chemistry Learning using Video under “Video Learning“
- Previous Chemistry Events under “Events“
and lots more……………………
B) Search for a Specific Topic?in Archives using?Keywords?under “Search” Tool
Say if you search for “Acids”, you will get to the following page that shows all related blog-posts on Questions and Topics related to “Acids” (as shown below)
Hope these simple instructions will aid you in learning more Chemistry from this blog-site.
“One Who Conquers Oneself”
PS: Drop me a comment on how you find this chemistry blog-site.