This is another section in O Level Chemistry where students find it tough to comprehend. Lets reveal the Secrets here.
An oxide is a compound of Oxygen and another element (e.g. through the process of Combustion)
? Metals form Metal Oxides and Non-Metals form Non-Metal Oxides
? Oxides can be classified as either Acidic, Basic, Amphoteric or Neutral
? Nature of the oxides of the elements across the periodic table from left to right changes from?Basic –> Amphoteric –> Acidic
SO2, SO3, CO2, NO2
1. Do not react with acids.
2. React with bases and alkalis to form salt & water.
3. Dissolve in water to form acidic solutions.
4. Usually gases at room temp.
Na2O, CaO, MgO, FeO, CuO
1. Do not react with bases.
2. React with acids to form salt & water.
3. Basic Oxides are usually insoluble in water. Those that dissolve in water forms alkaline solutions.
1. Neutral pH
Oxides formed with metals near ?STEPS? such as ZnO, Al2O3, PbO,
1. React with both acids and bases to form salt & water
For those taking GCE ‘O’ Level syllabus, there are many questions that will come out for this section on Types of Oxides.
Let’s take a look at some exam-based questions.
Quick Check 1:
Which of the following reacts with dilute sulphuric acid to give a gas and water as two of the products?
A. zinc
B. zinc carbonate
C. zinc hydroxide
D. zinc oxide
Quick Check 2:
Which element forms an oxide that reacts with water to give an acidic solution?
A. aluminium
B. sodium
C. sulphur
D. zinc
Quick Check 3:
Which element burns in air to form an oxide which, when shaken with water, gives a solution with a pH greater than 7?
A. carbon
B. hydrogen
C. magnesium
D. sulphur
PS: Do leave your suggested answers in the “Comments Section” directly below this post.
PPS: This post belongs to a series of blogposts that is associated with Secrets of “Acids, Bases & Salts and Qualitative Analysis revelaed”
Its Nice Ans
Which is more basic CuO or FeO ?
A zinc
C sulphur
C magnesium
I am a IGCSE student about to do my main exam in a weeks time. I have most of my concepts properly understood. Could you explain how steel is manufactured. I have referred to my book, but I don’t seem to be understanding it…
I would be glad if you could give me few tips, about to take my examination.
can someone show me the eqaution for question 1? i just dont get it. is it ZnCO3 + H2SO4 -> ZnSO4+ H2O + CO2?
1. All reactions give metal salt but Its B cos only zinc carbonate reacts with the acid to produce water and CO2(gas) which is not with corresponding metal, metal hydroxide, and metal oxide. 2. Its is C cos only sulphur forms an acidic oxide and when dissolved in water forms an acidic solution. 3. Its C cos only magnessium forms a basic oxide and when dissolved in water forms a basic solution responsible for the pH greaterthan 7.
1.B 2.C 3.C
ques.1 is B, QUES.2 is C and QUES.3 is D
1b, 2c 3c. Answa to the questn.
I agree with sean and bahamas the answers are
The “STEPS” are found in the periodic table, near the metalloids. So,aluminium, lead (11)and zinc (Found near metalloids) oxides are amphoteric oxides.
I think it D ….talking abut qs 1
1. B because :
it gives off carbon dioxide (the gas)
it gives off water (the water(lol))
it also gives off a salt.
2. C because :
aluminum forms with oxygen to form an amphoteric solution, sodium forms a basic solution with water and so does zine. Through the process of elimination, sulphur is the only one that would fit this category.
3. C because :
carbon would form to create either carbon dioxide (acidic oxide) or carbon monoxide ( neutral oxide)
sulphur would form sulphur dioxide (acidic oxide)
hydrogen would form water when reacted with oxygen and i dont think its possible for hydrogen and oxygen to form hydroxide by themselves…so that leaves good ol’ C
magnesium is able to be gaseous and nonetheless if burned in air it would combine with oxygen to form a basic oxide which would dissolve in water to form an alkaline solution. — and its the only one which would have a pH greater than seven ANYWAY.
–Gr 11. Too bad it took me this long to find this awesome page… I have my Christmas final in Chemistry tomorrow and this was a good way to review.
–AshantiWasHere 😀
is sulphate a type of oxide?
Ans: B cos question states that they want to see more than 2 products
gr8 site, really helped me out:D
my answer to question no. 1 is zinc carbonate because metal carbonates react with acids to form a salt, water and carbondioxide gas. My answer to ques. 2 is Sulphur oxide cuz its an acidic oxide and Ques. 3 is magnesium because it forms a basic oxide and when dissolved in water it will form an alkaline solution having a ph more than 7
”Oxides formed with metals near ?STEPS? such as ZnO, Al2O3, PbO,”
what do you mean by that?
Hi abdul rehman,
Thank you for your participation.
Answer for Q1 is B.
–> Note that question mentioned there will be at least 3 products.
Answer for Q2 is C.
–> you got it. Acidic Oxide indeed.
Answer for Q3 is C.
–> you got it. Cool!
Look forward to more participation from you.
To Your Academic Success in Chemistry,
Sean Chua
Master Trainer & Author
WINNERS Education Group
“Experience Learning with A Difference”
Hi Cydnie,
Good to see you participating cos ?Wanting leads to Wanting, Doing leads to Having?.
These will be my suggested answers:
Question 1:
Ans: B cos question states that they want to see more than 2 products and only carbobate reacts with acid to give 3 products.
Question 2:
Ans: C cos Acidic Oxide are formed when a non-metal combines with oxygen.
Question 3:
Ans: C since Magnesium Oxide is the only Basic Oxide in the list and it will gives a pH higher than 7.
Hope this helps. Let me know if this chemistry blogsite has been helpful in any ways.
Keep Up The Good Work!
Sean =)
my first answer is c: zincoxide becouse metaloxide+acid=salt and water always my second answer is S02 becouse its an acidic oxide. my third answer is magnesium couse its a metal and metaloxides are basic. base have a ph above then 7
Hi Sherman, Gary & Cydnie,
Good to see you participating cos “Wanting leads to Wanting, Doing leads to Having”.
These will be my suggested answers:
Question 1:
Ans: B cos question states that they want to see more than 2 products and only carbobate reacts with acid to give 3 products.
Question 2:
Ans: C cos Acidic Oxide are formed when a non-metal combines with oxygen.
Question 3:
Ans: C since Magnesium Oxide is the only Basic Oxide in the list and it will gives a pH higher than 7.
Hope this helps. Let me know if this chemistry blogsite has been helpful in any ways.
Keep Up The Good Work!
Sean =)
A. Zinc
C. sulphur
C. magnesium
I agree with the person above me, so I think the Qn.2 should be sulphur.
I also think that Qn.1 should be zinc because (if I’m not wrong) the Qn states that this reaction only forms two products and metal + acid — salt + H2 gas.
The second qn should be sulphur since SO2 is acidic in nature.