This post is going to be controversial as many students, tutors, teachers and many parents is not going to accept it initially.
My partner “always Lovely” told me 2 weeks ago that she walked out of her A-Math individual coaching class when she found out that her student did not attempt the homework that was assigned to her. Her student was flabbergasted and did not know what to do or say – she was shell-shocked – Never ever a tutor/coach has walked away in that fashion. I believe she was waiting for “Always Lovely” to nag at her abit and then continue with the class, as per normal. Initially, i got a shock also but after hearing from her more, i certainly believe she did the correct thing.
Her response to me was: “It’s never about making it look nice for everyone. This sort of experience will follow through her for life and it may serve her well from today onwards. I don’t feel good having to walk out but someone has to do the job. I’m THE ONE!”
In this case, the mother of the student was actually very supportive of “Always Lovely” and agree of her actions – all for the purpose in mind to “wake” her daughter up. Exam is nearing, and there is no time for her to be wishy-washy anymore.
I have always felt that Coaching of Academic Subjects of Teens/Teenagers is a 3-Way Process:
- Student – Must be willing to learn
- Coach – Willing to impart knowledge & experience?to students
- Parents – Ability to act “neutral” so that the child learn effectively
All 3 parties must come together in a synergistic manner in order for the child to utilize the resources and maximize his potentials.
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