(Geodesic Domes @ Eden Project in Cornwall. Photo Credit)
In Chemical Bonding chapter of Basic Chemistry Syllabus (O Levels, etc), you have learned about the term Allotropes as well as Macromolecules.
To be more exact, you learned that Allotropes = Compounds with the same element with different structure.
The two examples you learned are Diamond and Graphite, which are Allotropes of Carbon.
Now, i would like to introduce to you another allotrope of carbon that have found so many applications into our daily modern lives. Think of Apple, iPod, iPad, Macbook, iPad, Blackberry, Nokie, smaller and thinner electronics consumable products.
This is FULLERENE. C6o – highly symmetrical spherical football-shaped molecule – which was obtained by firing a powerful laser at a sample of graphite at a temperature of 10, 000 degree Celsius. It was named as Buckminsterfullerene in honour of the architect R. Buckminster Fuller, who used to be the principle of the geodosic dome in many of his buildings.
Molecular Model of C60, Fullerene (Photo credit St Stev)
Look at the molecular structure and you will realised that the alternating 5- and 6-membered rings in C60 gives a bonding pattern similar to the struts in a geodosic dome.
In fact, from the point C60 was found and honoured, other fullerenes such as C70, C76, C78, C90, etc has been synthesized and i expect many more to be synthesize to open up more exciting new areas of Chemistry and its application in the modern world.
As stated earlier on, fullerenes found its many application in the semi-conductors industry.
Now, time for you to put on your thinking caps:
Is fullerene a good or non-conductor of electricity? Explain with reference to its structure and bonding properties.
(Clue: Refer to structure and bondings in Graphite (Good Conductor) and Diamond (Non-Conductor))
PS: I would love to hear from you. Think about it and leave your comments below. It is actually very easy. =)
Karan Punjabi says
My answer is that fullerene in its own molecule can conduct electricity very well but it can’t conduct to its adjacent molecule as two molecules of fullerene are not covalently bonded because as we saw in case of graphite in a single plane each and every hexagonal ring in bonded to other hexagonal ring by the similar type of bonding which enables conduction of current. ….By a student of FYJC
Jonathan says
Buckminsterfullerene (C60) is a poor conductor of electricity. Although there are delocalised electrons, C60 has a simple molecular structure. The delocalised elctrons cannot move from one molecule to another, thus not able to conduct electricity.
But what I know is that C60 reacts with potassium to give K3C60, which is a superconductor.
Kenny says
I’ve seen a book writing otherwise. Reason being that the electrons cannot move between the molecules in the fullerenes. Any further explanation?
ashhab says
fullerenes are good conductors in form of nanotubes as the free electron canmove in the length of the molecule but bucky balls do not conduct electricity!!!
Michael says
Yes, it’s a good conductor of electricity. If we observe to the structure of fullerene carefully, each Carbon atom forms covalent bonds with 3 other Carbon atoms. This means for every Carbon Atom, there will be one free-moving electron moving about the structure. These electrons are able to carry electric charges when Fullerene is connected to an electrica source, and therefore it can conduct electricity. =]
charlotte says
hey! it is a good conductor of electricity as one carbon atom is covalently bonded to 3 other carbon atoms. Since each carbon atom has 4 valence electrons, there will be a mobile electron to conduct electricity.
Am i right? pls correct me!:D
Wali says
fulerene is a good conductor of electricity
Jazz says
I agree with Saud.. It formed just 3 bonds.. which means that one is still free.. hence it should be a good conductor of electricity..
heeko says
It can conduct electricity since its says that it is a semi conductor due to the structure as only three electrons of each carbon atom are involved in bonding leaving one behind to coduct the electricity!
Saud says
its kinda easy one just needs proper observation.
we see that every carbon in this is bonded with every three other carbons that means that only three electrons of each carbon is involved in bonding but carbon has four valence electrons in its last shell so it means that one electron is still free……….that electron from each carbon atom ill form a sea of electrons and result fulerene as good conductor of electricity…… 🙂