Greetings everyone!
It has been a while (busy with running revision workshops and classes) since i last blog on this chemistry portal – where international community of chemistry students and educators come together to share thoughts on 3 main points:
- Chemistry Tips
- Exam Strategies
- Chemistry Phenomenon
If you are a Sec 4 / 5 student in Singapore, i hope you are spending time to revise on what you have learned in the past 2-3 years. For Chemistry, many students have this misconceptions and wrong mindset that Chemistry is a “memorising subject” and you can do a last minute revision (i.e. memorising most parts of the chemistry textbook or notes from teachers) before you GCE ‘O’ Level Chemistry Examinations – both Pure Chemistry as well as Combine Science (Chemistry).
This is certainly not true, contrary to the beliefs of many students, fueled by the claims from their friends, peers and seniors – that they should only start revising for their chemistry examinations after their Preliminary Exams (school exams) and when nearer to GCE “O” Level Chemistry papers. Do note you are “digging your own grave”! [sorry if you find my language abit aggressive] I just want to highlight the importance of doing revision immediately NOW! with O Level Chemistry Exams in about 30 days time. I would rather be aggressive and save a few more souls, rather than loosing several of you due to the wrong mindset.
In the next blogposts, i will share with you revision techniques as well as several tricky Chemistry Examination Questions.
PS: if you have been studying very hard for your chemistry, but have yet to score the marks you deserved – it may be due to the fact that your concepts of chemistry are not crystal clear yet i.e. there are misconceptions (and thus mistakes and errors) that prevents you from scoring! The book i wrote last august Up Your Chemistry Grades Now will be the book to address it.
Stay Tuned! =)
Related Articles:
- Chemistry Tips: How to Revise for your GCE ‘O’ Level Chemistry Exams
- Up Your Chemistry Grades Now! – Truth & Myth
- All The Best to Your Chemistry Paper 2: Theory Exams
- Official Launch “Up Your Chemistry Grades Now!” on 7th Oct 08
- O Level Chemistry – Secrets of Acids, Bases & Salts & Qualitative Analysis revealed!
umm i’m wondering if i can find it here in indonesia?
if there’s one, i’m sure i’d buy one 😛
in rupiah ahahaha