For Chemistry, there is no way you can score well in examinations just by memorising the facts and definitions in your Chemistry Textbooks or Chemistry Notes.
The way to learn effectively is to make sure you understand the essential chemistry concepts. For revision, it is recommneded that you tackle it in a topical basis first, before coming back to do a summary of how the different topics are interlinked together (if you do not realised there’s interlinking in the different topics, then this be a RED ALERT for you).
Before beginning to revise a topic:
- Have a brief ideas of the learning objectives of the topics – what are you required to know?
- Take a look at section headings and sub-headings to get an overall idea of what is covered
- Think about how much you already know about this topic – just some points and keywords
During the revision of the topic:
- Underline of highlight important points – you can also write them out in point forms
- Lists out important facts, diagrams or definitions – they are usually tested
- Understand all the different terms – you can use the annex @ back of textbook or Up Your Chemistry Grades Now! (yes, i have compiled a comprehensive list of chemical definitions that all O Levels Chemistry students must know)
- Attempt the questions in your Chemistry Textbooks, Workbooks, Ten Years Series or questions in this blogsite
- Identify those points that you are not sure and confused about – approach your teacher or tutor to find out the answer! Do NOT ignore any confusions because they will become MISCONCEPTIONS in your Chemistry Exams.
- Alternatively, you can write in to me at Understanding of chemistry concepts is the key to effective learning and getting you the grades you desire
After revision of the topic:
- Look at the summary or concept link @ the end of your textbook – you should be confident now that you have covered those angles
- Make your own summary of the topic by various methods you are comfortable with: MindMaps, Tables, Flowcharts, Concept Maps, Point Forms, etc…Rmbr – use the method you most comfortable now. No time now for you to try something new..thou you heard it is useful
- Try out more questions in ten years series, this humble chemistry blogsite (yeah..lots of exam-based questions) and your textbooks.
With the proper “closure” of the topic, celebrate with little success by doing something you like (not too much time taken thou) such as get a cola drink, get an ice-cream, read some magazines or papers, half an hour of video games or FACEBOOK/MSN etc. You need to learn how to enjoy and reward yourself in order to be motivated to continue on. [if your parents disallow that, you can refer them to this humble website].
But you cannot play me out – i.e. don’t say this website encourage you to play 5 hrs of games/FACBOOK.MSN after only revising 1 topic. You will kill get me into trouble…haha =)
Once you have revised at least once for each chapter that is tested in your Mid-Year Examinations – it is time for you to close all notes and just look @ your content page. We need to do an overall summary of it. Based on your sub-headings – i want you to close ur eyes and try to recall as many small points / facts on each sub-headings. You would realise that many of the terms used are actually re-occuring in our topics.
I hope you will find the above Examination Strategies / Tips on Revising for Chemistry Examinations (Chemistry Revision) useful to you.
PS: Leave me a comment at “LEAVE A REPLY”. I would love to hear from you.
Study hard!
To Your Academic Success in Chemistry,
Sean Chua
Charlie says
Hi,I am taking my olevels for pure chem this year but sadly I am not doing so well for chemistry.Will this book be helpful for the new syllabus?
Sean Chua says
Hi Zheng Hong,
I reckon you are a Secondary 3 student in Singapore MOE Secondary School and taking either Pure Chemistry or Combine Science (Chemistry).
I would recommend the following to tackle application type questions in exams:
1) Build up your strong fundamentals of essential basic topics such as Elements, Compounds & Mixtures + Atomic Structure + Chemical Bonding + Acids, Bases & Salts
2) Always remember that in Chemistry, almost ALL the topics can be tested in a single question (structured or free response) which makes this science subject very different from Biology and Physics.
3) In answering examination questions, remember that it is almost always based on your syllabus ie. GCE O-Level syllabus. No matter how difficult and weird looking the question is, it will still be tested based on key concepts you learned in school.
4) Last but not least, do note that in examination you must be able to impressed the examiner that you know your Chemistry concepts well. The only way to do so is to show them the KEYWORDS that they are looking out for. Every topic are based on a few key concepts and there are Key Words associated with the,. Show it in your answer script.
Hope the above helps.
All the best to your academic success in Chemistry!
Enjoy learning,
Sean Chua
YZH007 says
Hi, Im Sec 3 and i just wanna know if there is any way to tackle application questions in exams?
ateen18 says
hello there. you’ve got a great website and it makes people to encourage to study to aim success ๐
I’m not sure if you’re reading this or not. im from Brunei and i am having O level this year, i can feel the stress and nervous since im taking private this upcoming may/june.
honestly, im not a best student and i didnt really do well in pure sciences subject. but im hoping i can manage to do it without any doubt. it’s just, i think i cant manage to set my time management since im addicted already to social networks. how to reduce from wasting time on that and how to have focus on my revision? and do you think listening to song while revising can distract me to self study?
AM says
Can I download the book, “Up Your Chemistry Grades Now!” for free?
Thank you!
biilah says
thnks so much….
sean says
Hi Passerby,
I would suggest you download a free sample copy of this book by clicking on this link:
The book is available in e-book format only, purchase online.
Hear from you!
Passerby says
hello,I am in sec3 now.. Sadly, i failed my end of year chemistry examination badly…. Is your book available in popular bookstore now.
How much does it cost… I seriously need help for chemistry.
Hope you can reply me as soon as possible. Thanks a lot ๐
sean says
Hi Nazmi,
Thank you for your encouraging words. It certainly motivates me to provide more Chemistry Tips & Exam Strategies in this humble Chemistry Blogsite.
I believed you will learn a great deal in this website if you follow it closely and ask questions whenever possible. Do try out all the chemistry questions that i have posted on this chemistry blogsite. Active Participation will aid in your learning of Chemistry Concepts in a faster way.
I look forward to seeing your participation and hearing your success academically in Chemistry!
Sean Chua
Master Trainer @
Author of Up Your Chemistry Grades Now! book
sean says
Hi newbiechem,
Are you a local O Level student in Singapore?
For GCE ‘O’ Level Chemistry Examinations, only 10-15% of the question requires you to memorise in order to answer the questions. The rest of the questions requires you to apply the essential concepts of chemistry. As such, i would highly recommend you to understand the concepts for each topics very well and when you are done with it, try to inter-link the concepts in different topics together.
You will realise that in fact, many of the chapters and dependent on each other.
Hope this humble opinion helps.
PS: Do try out the questions in the chemistry blog, in order to learn Chemistry actively
To Your Academic Success in Chemistry,
Sean Chua
Master Trainer @
Author of Up Your Chemistry Grades Now! book
Nazmi says
and Thank You!=]
Nazmi says
I’ve watched some of ur videos.
It’s really hepful to me and how I wish you could replace my Chemistry teacher in school.hahas
I would like to go 4 ur tuition but I already have 1 but of a different subject(English)
I can only afford one subject for tutoring.
No,I’m not asking for ur pity so that i can join ur class for free!
It’s just that,from what I observed,u’ve shown graet answering and teaching tecniques.
I’m sec5 now and had trouble handling some new topics.
your video on mole concept had really answered my unasked questions.
K,this is!=]
newbiechem says
hello…thanks for the wondeful tip. what kond of study method to you recommend to study chem? a brief one?